Monday, June 30, 2008

March 1

This song was written for a performance that was put on by Lydia Bell on March 1. I did a silly reading of a Berenstain Bears story, and then we performed this song. I never came up with a name, so I have been referring to it as "March 1." It is the only song I have completely written so far this year, and was the first thing that I had tried to write since before graduating in May 2007. Although we played the March 1st show as my old moniker, "doodoo bristle," we played another show on April 11th as "Gatling Gun," which I think Nick came up with during a name brainstorming session in my minivan. We played that show with former Balloon bandmate, Nick Nauman.

It took my a very long time to get a recording of this song, for various reasons. We found a studio in Bushwick to rent at the end of May, which gave me a place to do the recording (though only in the middle of the night, when quiet). Then I had to assemble the necessary equipment, which took me a while. Then things with me and Elena became rocky, but have smoothed out since. Finally I had the time and resources to finish the recording. It was kind of fitting, because the song is loosely about the stagnation I have felt since graduating from college last year, which seems to be what most of my friends' art concerns these days. Also about having lame friends who never want to do anything fun. Well, that is an exaggeration. But I have from time to time of the past year felt abandoned by everyone that I am close with. Perhaps a bit melodramatic. But, that's what the song is about. This is a video that we made of the performance, though it's pretty bad quality, so I'm glad to have a halfway decent recording on the song. Which, btw has these musicians:

Vocals: Elena Schilder, Danny Bowman, Nick Earhart
Cello: Bethany Strout
Guitars, drums, melodica: Owen (Doodoo Bristle)